Was it a fair fight when Ga. Governor Kemp won?

Was it a fair fight when Ga. Governor Kemp won the 2018 election?


#StopTheSteal #ElectionFraud #Trump #StaceyAbrams

Stacey Abrams has continually questioned the legitimacy of Ga. Governor Kemp’s 2018 election win against her. With her being vehemently pro-abortion and, like Joe Biden, eager to work with proponents of institutionalized racism – such as Mike Bloomberg from whom she accepted a $5 million dollar donation for her voting watchdog organization Fair Fight – to further her career, I doubt that I will support many of her political endeavors. YET, the about face on the issue of legal vote recounts that has been done by Georgia’s GOP leaders makes one wonder if that Governor’s race was a fair fight? According to Brett Pulley, Margaret Newkirk, and Jordyn Holman of Bloomberg.com in their article, Stacey Abrams’s Ground Game Puts Georgia Within Joe Biden’s Reach, the current Georgia governor won by a razor thin margin:

“Kemp’s razor-thin margin was largely due to an estimated 800,000 people registered by organizations Abrams established or worked closely with. A “playbook” she sent to party leaders last September proved prophetic: “My campaign for governor engaged, organized and inspired traditional voters and brought new voices to the table.” She urged party leaders to focus on Georgia. “When analyzing next year’s political landscape and electoral opportunities,” Abrams wrote, “any less than full investment in Georgia would amount to strategic malpractice.”

Did Brian Kemp use direct recording electronic voting systems to his advantage to win that election? According to Robert Sanders of Berkeley News in his article Is Trump Right about Georgia?, Georgia has a long history of voter suppression in the Black community:

This history of voter suppression, Stark said, helped Brian Kemp beat Stacey Abrams for the Georgia governorship in 2018.

‘(The state of Georgia) has done whatever they can possibly do with selective disenfranchisement: challenging Black voters’ signatures at a substantially higher rate than they challenge white voters’ signatures; disproportionately allocating voting equipment so that majority-minority precincts don’t get enough equipment, generating long lines. It is just a complete mess from top to bottom. And this time, even those attempts to disenfranchise don’t seem to have quite tipped the presidential ballot,’he said.

Add to that a lot of sloppy election practices, and it’s not surprising that some lack confidence in the state’s election results.”

Even in analyzing the results of the 2018 Lt. Governor’s race, Sanders reported that voting machines rather than paper ballots (which are considered the gold standard) were used in predominantly Black communities, which revealed such egregious amount of voter suppression that votes were not recorded by the direct recording electronic voting systems.

The Georgia governor seems to be revealing himself to be a RINO. Honestly, I do not support Stacey Abrams’ genocidal mission to kill as many unborn babies as possible for the benefit of organizations such as Planned Parenthood and those to whom it donates, however voter suppression must be stopped. Trump is on a mission to stop voter suppression. If Stacey Abrams can work with known segregationists Mike Bloomberg and Joe Biden, then she can work with a president who has not written policies that directly discriminate against Blacks nor anyone else simply because of the color of their skin, unlike Joe Biden and Mike Bloomberg.

No true Republican nor Patriot of any sort (whether they be Republican, Independent, Democrat, Libertarian) would call for the obstruction of the freedom to fairly choose our leaders.

Was it a fair fight when Ga. Governor Kemp won the 2018 election?


#StopTheSteal #ElectionFraud #Trump #StaceyAbrams

Stacey Abrams is for Feticide, Infanticide, and Eugenics

Stacey Abrams is for Feticide, Infanticide, and Eugenics


“It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their own space for me to say no, or pretend no, I don’t want it,” Abrams said. “Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America, of course I want to be a patriot.” (The View, 2020).

Stacey Abrams on Possibly Becoming Vice President and Iowa Caucuses | The View

We don’t live vicariously through Stacey Abrams. The $5 million dollars that she received from Mike Bloomberg was dirty blood money from an anti-social, obnoxious, selfish human being. Selfishly, She didn’t evenly distribute ALL of that money among her constituents to make meaningful improvements in their lives. She DEFINITELY didn’t give that money to struggling pregnant women and mothers of born children to help them better financially support their families because she is for Feticide and Infanticide and she wants taxpayers to fund it, particularly of unborn Black children.

Stacey Abrams kept the money that she received from the legislative sociopath Bloomberg who:

– Supports racial profiling (Stop and Frisk)

Donating $14 million dollars to the eugenics organization Planned Parenthood, is pro-abortion. Abortion is feticide and infanticide.

– Supports Involuntary Passive
Euthanasia which involves the starvation and denial of life sustaining care for the critically ill.

Stacey Abrams and Mike Bloomberg have no respect for life and even less respect for the Right to Life of others. Micaiah Bilger of Life News wrote Mike Bloomberg Donated $14 Million Planned Parenthood, Would Fund Killing 23,154 Babies in Abortions. Instead of using that $14 million to help people living in poverty, veterans, the homeless, people with serious illnesses, special needs and disabilities, elderly people, unborn babies, born babies, and children, Mike Bloomberg donated it to support the murder of children abortion and partial birth abortion. As said earlier, Stacey Abrams is for Feticide and Infanticide and she wants taxpayers to fund it. She is the poster child for Planned Parenthood, an organization who is determined to convince Black women to destroy the Black race from within. It speaks such misinforming rhetoric as:

– Abortion is reproductive justice
– Abortion can reduce black maternal
mortality rates

Planned Parenthood doesn’t fully inform their clients of the dangers of abortion. Planned Parenthood also doesn’t make their clients aware of the life threatening injuries nor the deaths that occur as a result of abortion procedures. It doesn’t warn the public of the life threatening injuries nor the deaths that occur at Planned Parenthood clinics. Here is one of Cheryl Sullenger’s videos of a two women being transported by ambulance for hemorrhaging as a result of abortion procedures performed at Planned Parenthood:

Ambulances Transport 2 Hemorrhaging Women in 3 Days From Troubled Chicago Abortion Clinic

(Source: Cheryl Sullenger on YouTube) hospital after a botched abortion procedure:

Stacey Abrams frequently capitalizes on her being Black and exploiting the struggles of Black people to launch her political career. Yet, the biggest crime of humanity that is being committed against Black people is abortion. Representing “36.9% of abortions nationwide, Black women account for the majority of abortions that take place in the United States while only representing 6% of the total population”(Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al, 2015) . This has led to “a reduction of the African American population by more 30% since 1973 and doesn’t include the children and grandchildren that would have been born to those aborted more than a generation ago” Abort73.com(n.d.) – many of which would have been a part of Stacey Abrams’ voter base if they had been born. That is the ultimate voter suppression.

Stacey Abrams becoming vice president or president would do an egregious disservice because she is in full support of the murder of humans beings who are developing in their mother’s wombs. Moreover, she is also showing full support for the genocide of the people that she says she represents. It seems more as if her intent is to represent Black people into non-existence.

Stacey Abrams is for Feticide, Infanticide, and Eugenics


#prolife #chooselife #BlackElitism # #BlackWomen #BlackMothers #unborn #unbornbabies #StaceyAbramsIsCorrupt #blackgenocide #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #abortion #racism #eugenics #StaceyAbrams


The View. (17 February, 2020). [The View]. Stacey Abrams on Possibly Becoming Vice President and Iowa Caucuses | The View [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/ug8XAQu47Uo

Bilger,M. (19 Feb, 2020). Mike Bloomberg Donated $14 Million Planned Parenthood, Would Fund Killing 23,154 Babies in Abortions. Retrieved from https://www.lifenews.com/2020/02/19/mike-bloomberg-donated-14-million-planned-parenthood-would-fund-killing-23154-babies-in-abortions/

Sullenger,C.[Cheryl Sullenger].(2009, Dec 11). Ambulances Transport 2 Hemorrhaging Women in 3 Days From Troubled Chicago Abortion Clinic [VideoFile]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fKxrhl5co0

Jatlaoui TC, Ewing A, Mandel MG, et al. Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2013. MMWR Surveill Summ 2016;65(No. SS-12):1–44. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.ss6512a1

Abort73.(n.d.). Abortion and Race. Retrieved from https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/

Suppression of the Right to Life suppresses all of one’s rights

Suppression of the Right to Life suppresses all of one’s rights


Georgia’s Stacey Abrams’ has decided not to run for president nor vice president for 2020 [Correction:Abrams is now considering offers to run for vice president after eventually denying that she would do so when the topic of her being Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate was suggested to her in an interview on The View. She replied “I think you don’t run for second place,” emphasizing, “If I’m going to enter a primary, then I’m going to enter a primary”(The View, 2019).] Below is video of the interview:

(Source: The View)

Instead, she has chosen to fight against voter suppression by starting the Fair Fight 2020 organization. After losing Georgia’s race for governor to Brian Kemp in 2018, Abrams proclaimed suppression of the voting rights of African Americans that might have voted for her to be the cause of her loss. To fight against such an injustice, she began the Fair Fight organization to fight voter suppression in Georgia, which she has now expanded to encompass the 2020 Presidential Election. Standing up for the rights of those who would otherwise be politically voiceless is a noble cause.

Stacey Abrams’ fight against voter suppression would be noble. However, by choosing to be a proponent of abortion as a form of reproductive justice and supporter of eugenicist abortion provider Planned Parenthood, she supports the suppression of the right to life of the unborn which suppresses all of their rights, including the right to vote. Abortion is the leading cause of death among African Americans and all Americans. Since 1973, at least 18 million African Americans have been killed by abortion (Abort73.com,n.d.). The leading harbingers of their deaths have been Planned Parenthood and its supporters. From it’s founding by malthusian eugenicist Margaret Sanger, its goal has been to depopulate people groups whose genetic traits have been deemed by elitists to be counterprodictive to the enhancement of the human race. Such people groups are People with Special Needs, African Americans, Poor Whites and other Poor People, People of Color, and Criminals. However, Planned Parenthood’s main focus has been providing abortion services to poor, predominantly African American communities. In a very predatory fashion, Planned Parenthood targets destitute African American women with disinformation about:

-The Personhood of the Unborn
-Their Gynecological and Obstetric Healthcare Options
-The Dangers of Abortion to Women
-The Brutality of the Abortion

(The babies are literally ripped apart in the womb, burned to death with saline solutions, crushed to death, organ harvested while still alive, vaccuumed from the womb, killed by the doctor’s snapping of their necks upon birth,etc.) Even in the womb, these babies are
aware of the dangers that they face as they run away from the tools of their destruction. There is no place of
refuge for them.

In 1991 Alexander Sanger, Margaret’s grandson, stated in a New York Times interview, “Right now we have three clinics in the city and I want to have ten more. There are so many underserved areas. We currently have a small storefront in central Harlem, and it is my first priority to see if we can transform that into a clinic.” (Brozan, 1991). In 2019, former Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen stated on Twitter, current CEO of Planned Parenthood, tweeted, “First, our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care. We will never back down from that fight – it’s a fundamental human right and women’s lives are at stake,”(Wen, twitter, 2019).

Abortion has decimated the African American population nearly to extinction. Representing “36.9% of abortions nationwide, Black women account for the majority of abortions that take place in the United States while only representing 6% of the total population”(Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al, 2015) . This has led to “a reduction of the African American population by more 30% since 1973 and doesn’t include the children and grandchildren that would have been born to those aborted more than a generation ago” Abort73.com(n.d.) – many of which would have been a part of Stacey Abrams’ voter base if they had been born. That is the ultimate voter suppression.

To learn more about Stacey Abrams’ partnership with Planned Parenthood, read:

The Subtlety of Supremacy: Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams

Abortion is Reproductive Injustice

Stacey Abrams’ illogic:”Abortion reduces maternal mortality.” Truth: Abortion kills unborn potential mothers which actually increases maternal mortality

Tweet from Radiance Foundation (@lifehaspurpose): @staceyabrams pretends that black community rises when we kill our children before they’re born. Amazing what happens when billion $$$ abortion chain @PPFA funds your campaign.

Most Democrat Legislators Champion Margaret Sanger’s Racist Genocide Mission – Are They Counter-representing You?

The View. (27 Mar, 2019). Stacey Abrams on 2020 Election and SOTU | The View [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/embed/r9ciZE0Hl2I

Jatlaoui TC, Boutot ME, Mandel MG, et al. Abortion Surveillance — United States, 2015. MMWR Surveill Summ 2018;67(No. SS-13):1–45. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.ss6713a1

Abort73.(n.d.). Abortion and Race. Retrieved from https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/

Brozan, N.(1991,January 23). Another Sanger Leads Planned Parenthood. The New York Times, Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/1991/01/23/nyregion/another-sanger-leads-planned-parenthood.html

Wen, L.[@drleanawen].(2019, January 8). First, our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care. We will never back down from that fight – it’s a fundamental human right and women’s lives are at stake. Retrieved from https://mobile.twitter.com/DrLeanaWen/status/1082660986513960966

Suppression of the Right to Life suppresses all of one’s rights


#abortion #racism #voting #vote #2020 #staceyabrams #fairfight #genocide #eugenics #prolife #righttolife