The T.D. Jakes Series | T.D. Jakes’ 15 Minute City Project: 15 Minute plan for Eugenics – Pt. 4

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The T.D. Jakes Series | T.D. Jakes’ 15 Minute City Project: 15 Minute plan for Eugenics – Pt. 4

What is Eugenics?

Eugenics is a method of population control that espouses a survival of the fittest which accelerated massive manifestations of racism and classism in the United States. The foundation of such ideologies  at it’s core is elitism which purports that only the strong deserve s to survive and thrive. The less useful that one is seen to be, the more that they are seen to be a detriment to society. With this line of thinking, the thought is that only the %10  – 1% who,  in power in any given social structure,  by their own self-accommodating changing biases attempt to set at permanent standard of worthiness for everyone else.  

In my opiniion, T.D. Jakes is introducing the softer version inclusive of Eugenics – Asssimilationist Eugenics.

T.D. Jakes and Assimilationist Eugenics

Assimilationist Eugenics is the softer, inclusive form of eugenics that is being used today.  The most notable champion of Assmilationist Eugenics is elitist  W. E. B. DuBois.  The concept of assimilationist eugenics is the talented tenth is the class of Black people that is viewed to the be best of the best who should procreate and integrate with the best of the best of other races. According to Dr. Thomas Wyatt Turner:

  “many black academics at Tuskegee,   

   Howard, and Hampton universities

   promoted ‘Assimilationist Eugenics.’ They 

   proposed that “The Talented Tenth” of all

   races should mix, as the best blacks were

   as good as the best whites.” (Singleton,P.4,


DuBois made clear his opinion that most Black people or, as he labeled them, “the mass of ignorant negroes,” are dysgenic. W.E.B. DuBois (1939) stated:

“Among the more intelligent class, was a postponement of marriage, which greatly decreased the number of children. Today, among this class of Negroes few men marry before thirty, and numbers of them after forty. The marriage of women of this class has similarly been postponed.

In addition to this, the low incomes which Negroes receive make bachelorhood and spinsterhood widespread, with the naturally resultant lowering, in some cases, of sex standards. On the other hand, the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” (para. 4 and para.5).

Yet, both DuBois and Sanger are celebrated as freedom fighters when they were, in reality, gatekeeping elitists.

TD Jakes seems to be following the road of Sanger and DuBois. T.D. Jakes Real Estate Ventures, LLC states that its goal is “to redevelop the property for mixed-income housing and retail. The development is part of Jakes’ long-term vision to cultivate quality affordable housing for the underserved in a model that will be duplicated across the country and around the world as a part of a deepening recognition that access to affordable housing is what fuels and facilitates access to opportunity.” What better way for the “talented tenth” to mix with the best of other races?

 W.E.B. DuBois partnered with Margaret Sanger on her eugenic mission to depopulate the Black community, something with which she was obsessed from the time that she worked on The Negro Project. Sanger used better family planning using for a higher quality of life to promote birth control. However, according to her own ideals expressed in her plan for eugenics in the United States, My Way to Peace, as well as Pivot of Civilization where she made a case for progressivism being the basis of the foundational principles of a new order of society, the Black community would be viewed as highly dysgenic. 

Right now, let’s read more about traditional eugenics such featuring Margaret Sanger who had made it her life mission to put eugenics in action.

Traditional Eugenics and Sanger

Malthusian eugenicist Margaret Sanger heavily promoted population control for peace. To Margaret Sanger, most people weren’t fit to exist. In Pivot of Civilization’s Chapter IV: Fertility of the Feeble-Minded, Sanger states that the feeble-minded are the “least intelligent and thoroughly degenerate.” (p.82). She lists the following characteristics found among them as those which establish reasons that such persons shouldn’t legally be allowed to procreate:

– Abnormally High fertility rates

– Pauperism

– Epilepsy

– Mental defect

– Degeneracy

– Criminality

– Insanity

– Prostitution

– Syphillitics

She outlines her genocidal beliefs in the following proposal  A Plan for Peace (1932) which was published in Birth Control Review (April 1932, pp. 107-108)   also known as “My Way to Peace” in which she further defines dysgenics in society and what should done with them with them implementation of a Population Congress:

A Plan for Peace (1932):


Margaret Sanger

Science has been applied to the various channels of life’s needs especially our environment. Industry, commerce, education, hygiene, surgery, agriculture, dairy, factory, mining and even war have had the benefits of the best that science could command; but it has not yet been applied to improving the quality of life itself nor to the maintenance of PEACE.

MY WAY TO PEACE would be

First, to put into action the fourteen points of President Wilson’s, upon which Germany and Austria surrendered to the Allies. Second, have Congress set up a special department for the study of population problems; and appoint a Parliament of Population Directors representing the various branches of science.

This body to direct and control the population through birth rates and immigration, and to direct its distribution over the country according to national needs consistent with taste, fitness and interest of the individuals.

The main objects of the Population Congress would be:

(a) to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.

(b) to increase the population slowly by keeping the birth rate at its present level of fifteen, decreasing the death rate below its present mark of 11.

(c) keep the doors of Immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feeble-minded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.

(d) apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization, and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

(e) to insure the country against future burdens of maintenance for numerous offspring as may be born feeble-minded parents, the government would pension all persons with transmissible disease who voluntarily consent to sterilization.

(f) the whole dysgenic population would have its choice of segregation or sterilization.

(g) there would be farm lands and homesteads where these segregated persons would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.

The first step would thus be to control the intake and output on morons, mental defectives, epileptics.

The second step would be to take an inventory of the secondary group such as illiterates, paupers, unemployables, criminals, prostitutes, dope-fiends; classify them in special departments under government medical protection, and segregate them on farms and open spaces as long as necessary for the strengthening and development of moral conduct.

Having corralled this enormous part of our population and placed it on a basis of health not punishment, it is safe to say that fifteen or twenty millions of our population would then be organized into soldiers of defense–defending the unborn against their own disabilities.

The third step would be to give special attention to the mothers’ health, to see that women who are suffering from tuberculosis, heart or kidney disease, toxic goitre, gonorrhea, or any disease where the condition of pregnancy disturbs her health; place these mothers under public health nurses to instruct them in practical scientific methods of contraception in order to safeguard their lives– thus reducing maternal mortality.

There would be a careful follow-up in the homes where infants have died, to ascertain the causes and to prevent when possible the further increase of children until the causes have been removed–reducing infant mortality.

While the above steps seem to be emphasis on a health program instead of on tariffs, moratoriums and debts, I believe that national health is the first essential factor in any program for universal peace.

With the future citizen safeguarded from hereditary taints, with five million mental and moral degenerates segregated, with ten million women and ten million children receiving adequate attention, we could then turn our attention to the basic needs for international peace.

There would then be a definite inexorable ruling that the population should increase slowly and at a specific rate, in order to accommodate and adjust increasing numbers to our social and economic system.

The Birth Rate in the United States in 1931 was 15.0 and the death rate about 11, which allowed for a survival rate of 4%, or an increase in the population, including immigration, of over 20%.


Open the gates of the U.S.A. to those countries whose inhabitants have the inherent talents and national characteristics desirable, eliminating entirely those countries whose subjects have already been difficult to assimilate.

This plan to be in operation for ten years.

In the meantime we shall organize and join an International League of Low Birth Rate Nations to secure and maintain WORLD PEACE.”

In my article, Sociogenomics: The Next Phase of Assimilationist Eugenics, I discuss the short-sightedness of her position:

“Sanger gives no account for external factors nor deeper causative biological factors, aside from being an imbecile (which is her self-righteous, elitist, sociopathic, personal opinion), that would influence a person’s behavior such as a change in their life circumstances beyond their control. She views the world in terms of the miscontextualization of the concept ‘survival of the fittest.'”


Singleton, M.(2014). The Science of Eugenics. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons vol 19(4).

Du Bois, W.E.B.(1939, April). Negroes and Birth Control. Smith

Libraries Exhibits, Accessed January 10, 2019,

Sanger, M. (1922). The Fertility of the Feeble-minded, p.82. Pivot of Civilization. New York: Brentano Publishers.

Sanger, M.(1932, April). A Plan for Peace

 Birth Control Review, pp. 107-108. Retrieved from

Sanger, M.(1931, Jan 17). “My Way to Peace,” 17 Jan. 1931.The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Editiion. Retrieved from

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