You can’t be pro-black!

You can’t be pro-black!

#pro-black #pro-life #righttolife #christianity #GOD #eugenics #abortionismurder #abortioniseugenics #abortionisgenocide #banabortion #abortionisracism #abortionissexism #blackpeople #blackwomen #africanamerican #ados #abortion #genocide

You can’t be pro-black and champion the murder of unborn blacks. It does not matter if those unborn Blacks are born into wealth or poverty. You have no right to take the life of another human being just because you feel that their existence is an inconvenience to YOU! You have no right to determine who has a right or deserves to live based on your personal feelings – at all.

You can never call yourself an activist for the rights of others, especially Blacks and Christians, if you support the murder of unborn Blacks and unborn people in general. So, don’t get mad about police brutality, school shootings, gender discrimination, human trafficking, racism,etc.

The abortion industry promotes the policing of the wombs of those deemed by elitist supremacy to be unfit to procreate and whose progeny is targeted to be exterminated from the human race via eugenics. Abortion is the murder of children even younger than those killed in these tragic school shootings, children who can’t even run for their lives, though in many late-term abortions, they try so desperately to run from such weapons as:

  • Forceps to rip the baby from limb to limb while still live in it’s mother’s womb
  • Vacuums to suck baby body parts out of the womb
  • Saline solutions to burn the baby to death if the baby is born alive
  • The doctor’s hand as he tries to break the baby’s neck if the baby is born alive

Many babies survive that torturous, painful death only to be left to cry themselves death because abortion is also legalized medical child neglect. You can never be against gender discrimination when abortion is used as a legalized method of murdering unborn baby girls, particularly girls that would be born to poor families, to systematically commit genocide against the poor populations. The abortion industry promotes the most barbaric forms of human trafficking – the slaughter and murder of unborn babies to harvest fetal tissue to sell for profit. Oftentimes, the harvesting of fetal tissue takes while the baby is still alive, particularly the harvesting of fetal brain tissue.

You can never say that Black lives matter if you have no problem with ending the unborn black lives on-demand for any reason. You can never be pro-black and support or partner with planned Parenthood or any other person or entity that supports the legalized murder of unborn blacks, especially if you take money from them. However, You can be a hypocrite who seeks to exploit systemic social problems for your own personal gain. You can be a hypocrite who wants to be that agent of chaos who prolongs and worsens these problems to create and sustain a platform for yourself rather than get off of your rear and work to create effective solutions to solve the problems. Just call yourself a self-serving hypocrite!

You can’t be pro-black!

#pro-black #pro-life #righttolife #christianity #GOD #eugenics #abortionismurder #abortioniseugenics #abortionisgenocide #banabortion #abortionisracism #abortionissexism #blackpeople #blackwomen #africanamerican #ados #abortion #genocide

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